1. Download the iVMS-4500 app from Google Play
  2. Open the app and enter your location information
  3. Click the icon in the upper left that looks like three lines with a circle around them and select Devices
  4. Click the icon in the upper right that's looks like a plus sign with a circle around it and select Manual Adding
  5. Enter a description in Alias to identify the DVR / NVR. You can enter anything here; it's only for your reference
  6. Make sure Register Mode is IP/Domain
  7. Enter the IP address or domain name of your DVR under Address
  8. Leave 8000 in the port field unless instructed otherwise
  9. Enter Admin in the User Name field unless instructed otherwise
  10. Enter your password in the Password field
  11. Click the icon in the upper right that looks like a disk with a circle around it to save your entry

The Android app is now configured and ready to view the cameras.